Freed After 43-Years, A Principle Thinker’s Community Build: Black August 365

Filmmaker Dot Bizzle films the message for Black August 2024, by Sitawa, a principal signatory to the Agreement to End Hostilities in the California prisons.

Oakland, California, Dot Bizzle of AlacoFilms gives us a glimpse into the Black August 2024 message of Black August 365, from Minister King X Pyeface, Sitawa Nantambu Jamaa, and Jamilia Land.

Released in 2024, after serving 43 years predominantly in solitary confinement in the California prison system, Sitawa Nantambu Jamaa (Black), Todd Ashker (White), Arturo Castellanos (Hispanic), and Antonio Guillen (Hispanic), were the principal thinkers and signatories at the Pelican Bay State Prison’s Short Corridor, to the historic 2012, Agreement to End Hostilities throughout the California prison and jail systems along racial lines.

Minister King X Pyeface, Director of the California Prison Focus, and KAGE Universal, was released from prison in 2019, after serving 24 years, six in the feds, and 18 in California’s worst maximum security prisons. Minister King X Pyeface was the principal, creative driving force behind liberating the signatories to the Agreement to End Hostilities, known as “Liberate Our Elders.” 

King’s work has led to a national movement to liberate the elders who are behind bars. As a principal thinker and newly released elder, Sitawa has founded the support services advocacy group Liberate Our Elders.

Jamilia Land is a mother, activist, a criminal and restorative justice advocate, public speaker, co-founder of A.S.A.P (Anti-Violence, Safety and Accountability Project), and co-director of California Operations at the Abolish Slavery National Network.